Sunday, July 23, 2006

The secret ingredient is crime.

Ok, there is no one on, and i'm bored v.v, so it's time for a post...a poor quality post most likly.
I've been pretty much stuck in the house the last couple of days [I think, all though it's hard to tell I've lost track of space and time] and so my boredom had been evolving into Bordalimon, master of stuff... see i can't even make a good bad joke ¬_¬#

Umm I bought the second series of Peepshow the other day, watched 4 eps so far. It has some really good jokes, and those which make me cringe, but that's just how i am with tv shows.

ok run out of stuff to talk about, so i'll install the scanner software and make this a image post.

yeah my scanner sucks and i can't be bothered cleaning them ¬_¬.


Blogger Mwezzi said...

At least you have drawings. The heat sucked all the strength from my drawing hand, leaving me with half a face. HALF A BLOOMIN' FACE. That drawing remains incomplete.

7:27 PM  

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