Sunday, March 12, 2006

Snow day, Oh snow day.

It snowed a lot today/last night, so today had the most snow in a long time for Glasgow. I will try to give a recollection the events:
After 2 hours of sleep, I left with a friend [who will now be referred to as "G"] and we wondered the plains of the world looking at the white carnage.
Soon more members of our party were to join us.
But alas G was overcame with madness and claimed himself God of snow and thus stood upon a mighty snow platform [ball].
Fight him for a long time we did, but his endurance was to much.
As if a cliche plot had descended on us, back up arrived and he toppled G from his ices capital.
After some a skirmish over the new owner of the Balled snow of the Gods, we left that place.

The next chapter of this epic tale:
With new supplies of Coke' Cola, we entered a new place... A place of fresh snow.
G found the ruins of an old fort, and formed a dastardly plan.
I caught wind of this plan and rallied an army of trusted solders... And Murray.
We build a modern fort, a masterpiece of my engineering.
In this time G and his followers rebuilt the old fort with stolen technology.
This was the industrial age, a good time for all.
But soon with the loss of timothy my good snow friend, my sanity was lost and War was in my eyes.
I incited a war with G. To anger him, a simple task. His bitterness of the loss of Snow'topia [the big snowball] was still fresh in his mind.
A mighty battle set the fields alight, we had the upper hand until the enemy snow Russian over powered our tired men... We were forced to retreat.
The second day of the war was different, After setting my master plan into the works, I gained entry to the enemy fort.
This meant there flag was mine [a can of coke]. But alas... Our base was also seized, the damage was irreversible.
The loss of my base and the timothy [the snow man] memorial was to much for me.
Mad I used my might arms to rip G's fort to pieces, then used the ruble to crush him.
But one of my men as captured, So I did the right thing, and defected to G's side.
With this we gained the profit from the war we both gained from the stock market and weapons sale.

Final chapter- The cold days:
In the aftermath of the crystal wars, all the people of our army's were wet and cold.
So we needed to warm up.
during the warming up, G used this as a chance to get revenge for the original battle between us. And made us cold again... Bastard.

The warm fires healed my men and enemy's, this was peace.
A young soldier fell down the stairs and almost died... -_-#

The peace was long lasting and people were happy again, but G was no were to be found.
A foul mist was seen to the future.

And that's about all that happened today.


Blogger Robbie said...

Foolish me, I stayed home.

6:42 AM  
Blogger ReoKata said...

Just expanding the boundaries of literature.

4:25 AM  

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