Monday, February 13, 2006

T34 1n73rw38 - The Internet.

I have decided that the Internet is empty, that's nothing/zero/zilch/nadda/the whole barren bowl. I have spent many an hour on this hapless corpse only to be bored left, right and center, and of course the telling people that you're bored that comes with this.
One has to wonder were all those Giga-jiga-bytes that make up this world wide web go...
Apart from the theory that its stored in hundreds of Harddrives cleaned my little people in a warehouse in Glasgow, Scotland. People must put things up... but were! Is there a secret newsgroup or ring that is hiding all this content from us. [this besids the porn which is all to avalable]. So all in all the Internet is a mass of pron, mp3s, fan art, home made movies, stollen movies, more porn, and a billion logs of "Hiya, Hey, How goes it?, Tis fine, you?, ja same."...
... Hmm guess that is all the content, Scrap all that then. Not empty just boring.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

**on topic**Macs suck, so Joe is wromg, yes, wromg...
joe has a mac = Mac has a joeMac = suckJoe = suckMac = joeEl-bows = elbows = bone bow= bone weapons = boobsfuck ice = pain
See joe, i'm right, so...You should feel bad ¬_¬

Ok I need to use this post but the man wont let me... so I'll save it here +_+