Thursday, March 01, 2007

Small question

Bored got nothing to do. Well I have things to do but nothing I can currently motivate myself to do.
So um I got a question for anybody who cares or not.

"How can the universe be infinite?"

Nothing to profound just a straight forward question.
Reply in comments if you so desire.


Blogger oomad said...

if time bends with speed, it could be, but if not it's just expanding, or if nothing is infinite and the multiverse option is the correct one, then many universes could be infinite through nothing, and if the nothing is an anti-matter universe, then all space is filled with an infinite amount of universe, despite the universes residing in the 12th dimention and the obvious counter-balance of clocks, the battle againist time and it's annoying timing will prove disvisable by 2 and not very nice to look at, but it will smell ratther nice, although it's spiky acid-tipped hair may be troublesum it can be overcome by lots of baking spiders, this makes bob-bob ver sad, sad, and angry, but only angry enough to put out a small candle with only his hand, not angry enough to go hulk on everyone causing ice cream volcanos to cover half of port number 4, which contains a small indiscert moron, who will, without stop, burn toast right on front of you, therefore, with everything considered, and all things being slightly yellow and grey, it appers that matter is indeed not very stable when in this rust bucket of a fish basket, so after close study of the mountains of the google tool bar, many fell over slighty, causing limbo, therefore nothing, and more anti-matter waka waka waka waka waka waka, *pacman invades eating all remaining dots making the current world erase, making a new one ull of dots in it's place* in a pacman universe, everything is infinite.... apart from lives >_>

2:46 PM  
Blogger Dr Gavin Mango said...

If you mean in a size sense then no, it isn't cause otherwise there wouldn't have been a Big Bang, so there's the expanding to be done. Also in a time sense, also no because everything ends... even if I have to get off my arse and end it myself. *sigh* It'll probably come down to that, knowing my luck... ¬_¬

5:14 AM  
Blogger ReoKata said...

haha martans response is good.

Yeah i somewhat agree Gav, but if i go along those lines, i get stuck on the problem of how can a "nothingness" exist (exist not being the best word:P)

7:25 AM  
Blogger Cake said...

You see, the infinite isn't nothingness. The universe is actually contained in a giant flan. Therefore, assuming this is a regular flan - and by flan I mean of the cake variety and not the Final Fantasy enemy or quiche varieties of flan - then this pudding of the universe must have an edge. Soon humankind will find the edge, and escape out into the oven of infinity, in which our universe is being caringly baked alongside as many other universes as you can fit on a foil covered tray.

11:19 AM  
Blogger Ray said...

ray liek flan


12:32 PM  
Blogger Helvetica said...

can't believe I missed this gem.

I believe that the universe cannot be infinite, because it is properly impossible to imagine something infinite, like. So if we cannot conceive of something, it is difficult to believe that it can exist.

4:40 PM  
Blogger ReoKata said...

The reason I don't think we can reall conceive infinity, is because its infinite, and our brains must have a finite limit so how do you fit it in there:p

3:21 PM  
Blogger Becca said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

2:30 PM  
Blogger Helvetica said...

Yeah, I remembered cos you taught me that wisdom.

2:32 PM  
Blogger ReoKata said...

I am quite fond of one of the multi-verse theories, That at the "edge" of this universe is space that lacks dark matter (btw wtf we don't know what that is >.>) and is nothingness but in this space is more that one expanding universe, which complements the whole big bang and expanding thing, it the universe is a independent body kinda like a planet in its own right, floating in a sea of nothingness with other expanding universes... though my original question kinda stands if applied to this "nothingness" how can it be infinite how can it even been nothingness >.> *dodo dododoooooo doooodooooo dooooo doooodoooo doooo -mario kart music-*

8:17 AM  
Blogger By His Own Design said...

well, as I've mentioned elsewhere fractyl theory kinda proves the universe is infinite in a mathematical sense. If you keep dividing things down, even if only in a mathematical equation, you can go on forever. Therefore the universe is infinitly small. To accomodate this, it must also be infinitely large.
the edge of a circle has an infinite number of corners.
Also, the fact that we can come up with a concept such as inifity hints that it must exist, even though we cannot imagine infinity, we still understand the possibility that it may exist.

Re: martin: if the universe is just expanding, then when does it stop? it cannot stop, no object can come to an absolute rest, so either it expands infinitely, or it will collapse at some point, but that would suggest that there is something beyond the "edge" of the universe, which would therefore also have limits etc etc infinitely.

9:13 PM  

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